Sunday, February 23, 2014

Vassily Grossman. A TV Documentary.

Elena Yakovich, a well-known Rusian tv-journalist, has just released a documentary on the story of the arrest by the KGB, safe-keeping, publishing and the final return to world-wide reading public of Vassily Grossman's great novel 'Life and Fate.'

It was broadcast on the Russian tv-channel Kultura (Culture). I have written several times about 'Life and Fate' and its story. Here, in the film, it is unbelievably touching to put a face to many of the characters of this drama. It includes daughters and sons of Grossman and his friends, the writer Vladimir Voinovich, who helped to smuggle the manuscript to the West, and finally the KGB/FSB archives chief handing over boxes and boxes of the original work to literary experts.

The film is in Russian but those who followed the story will recognise the characters.

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